2021 so far is showing an acceleration of the strong growth trend in Digital Advertisement. As businesses re-open worldwide and previously canceled campaigns are resumed, advertisement budgets have been increasingly directed towards Digital Ad because the use of social media platforms and streaming services have risen almost everywhere.
Digital vs. Traditional Ad Spending (US)

Source: eMarketer
Not surprisingly, the main beneficiaries in the Digital Ad ecosystem are Alphabet, Facebook, and Amazon, which all reported strong growth in Ad revenue in 2020. Among these, Alphabet continues to dominate the Digital Ad market: In 2020, Google accounted for about 29% of the total Digital Ad revenue in the US, followed by Facebook and Amazon with 25.2% and 10.3% respectively.
US Digital Ad Revenue Share, By Company, 2019 & 2020
% of Total Digital Ad spending

Source: eMarketer
Google built its success in Digital Ad by leveraging AI software to collect and integrate data from users in a more sophisticated and faster way. While Google’s platforms connect businesses with billions of people every day through Search and YouTube, AI helps them to create highly tailored content based on consumers’ needs and preferences of the moment.
With an impressive 1.87 billion daily active users in 1Q21, Facebook can count on one of the largest and most diverse advertising audience ever and collect a huge amount of data for the benefit of advertisers. Facebook also introduced innovative features to its Ad service: The use of Machine Learning helps determine the likelihood that a given user will act as the advertiser wants, such as visiting the advertiser’s website, installing their app, or buy a product. And then, the algorithm will rank the quality of Ad content through an Ad quality score so that the advertiser can fix the campaign following the best way to achieve his goals.
In recent years, Amazon’s Ad business also experienced a tremendous growth, mainly fueled by the acceleration of online shopping: According to EMarketer, Amazon advertising revenue in the US will surpass $20B in 2021. To keep up with the competition, the e-commerce giant also implemented an AI driven algorithm which analyzes real-time data generated by shoppers’ behavior, allowing advertisers to provide specific content to a narrowly targeted audience.
Digitalization is changing consumers’ behavior and companies must be increasingly data-driven to be able to communicate with people who spend more time navigating through the Internet while scrolling social media, checking emails, or reading the news. Digital Ad is becoming mandatory for companies to attract new customers and build a relationship with their brand.
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